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首先,您需要安装arxiv Python包。

!pip install arxiv

其次,您需要安装PyMuPDF Python包,将从arxiv.org网站下载的PDF文件转换为文本格式。

!pip install pymupdf



  • query:用于在Arxiv中查找文档的自由文本
  • 可选的load_max_docs:默认值为100。使用它来限制下载文档的数量。如果下载所需100个文档需要时间,请使用较小的数字。
  • 可选的load_all_available_meta:默认为False。默认情况下,仅下载最重要的字段:Published(文档发布/最后更新日期)、TitleAuthorsSummary。如果为True,则还会下载其他字段。
from langchain.document_loaders import ArxivLoader

docs = ArxivLoader(query="1605.08386", load_max_docs=2).load()

docs[0].metadata # Document的元数据
{'Published': '2016-05-26',
'Title': 'Heat-bath random walks with Markov bases',
'Authors': 'Caprice Stanley, Tobias Windisch',
'Summary': 'Graphs on lattice points are studied whose edges come from a finite set of

allowed moves of arbitrary length. We show that the diameter of these graphs on fibers of a fixed integer matrix can be bounded from above by a constant. We then study the mixing behaviour of heat-bath random walks on these graphs. We also state explicit conditions on the set of moves so that the heat-bath random walk, a generalization of the Glauber dynamics, is an expander in fixed dimension.'}

docs[0].page_content[:400] # Document内容的所有页面
'arXiv:1605.08386v1  [math.CO]  26 May 2016

HEAT-BATH RANDOM WALKS WITH MARKOV BASES CAPRICE STANLEY AND TOBIAS WINDISCH Abstract. Graphs on lattice points are studied whose edges come from a finite set of allowed moves of arbitrary length. We show that the diameter of these graphs on fibers of a fixed integer matrix can be bounded from above by a constant. We then study the mixing behaviour of heat-bath random walks on these graphs. We also state explicit conditions on the set of moves so that the heat-bath random walk, a generalization of the Glauber dynamics, is an expander in fixed dimension.'