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LangChain 装饰器 ✨

LangChain 装饰器是 LangChain 之上的一层,为编写自定义的 langchain prompt 和 chain 提供了简化的语法糖 🍭

反馈、问题和贡献请在此处提出: ju-bezdek/langchain-decorators


  • 以更具 Python 风格 的方式编写代码
  • 编写多行提示,不会干扰代码流程的缩进
  • 利用 IDE 内置的 提示类型检查弹出框,快速查看函数的提示、参数等信息
  • 充分利用 🦜🔗 LangChain 生态系统的全部功能
  • 添加对 可选参数 的支持
  • 通过将参数绑定到一个类,轻松共享提示之间的参数

下面是使用 LangChain 装饰器 ✨ 编写的简单代码示例

def write_me_short_post(topic:str, platform:str="twitter", audience:str = "developers")->str:
Write me a short header for my post about {topic} for {platform} platform.
It should be for {audience} audience.
(Max 15 words)

# run it naturaly
# or
write_me_short_post(topic="starwars", platform="redit")



pip install langchain_decorators




这里我们只是使用 llm_prompt 装饰器将函数标记为提示,从而有效地将其转换为 LLMChain。而不是运行它

标准的 LLMchain 比仅仅有 inputs_variables 和 prompt 多得多... 这个实现细节在装饰器中隐藏了起来。 下面是它的工作原理:

  1. 使用 全局设置
# define global settings for all prompty (if not set - chatGPT is the current default)
from langchain_decorators import GlobalSettings

default_llm=ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.0), this is default... can change it here globally
default_streaming_llm=ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.0,streaming=True), this is default... can change it here for all ... will be used for streaming
  1. 使用预定义的 提示类型
#You can change the default prompt types
from langchain_decorators import PromptTypes, PromptTypeSettings

PromptTypes.AGENT_REASONING.llm = ChatOpenAI()

# Or you can just define your own ones:
class MyCustomPromptTypes(PromptTypes):

def write_a_complicated_code(app_idea:str)->str:

  1. 直接在装饰器中定义设置
from langchain.llms import OpenAI

def creative_writer(book_title:str)->str:


只需在函数中声明它们(或使用 kwargs 传递任何内容)

async def write_me_short_post(topic:str, platform:str="twitter", memory:SimpleMemory = None):
Write me a short header for my post about {topic} for {platform} platform.
It should be for {audience} audience.
(Max 15 words)

await write_me_short_post(topic="old movies")



  • 我们需要将提示定义为异步函数
  • 在装饰器中开启流式处理,或者我们可以定义具有流式处理的 PromptType
  • 使用 StreamingContext 来捕获流

这样,我们只需标记要进行流式处理的提示,而不需要调整使用哪个 LLM,将流处理处理程序传递到链的特定部分... 只需在提示/提示类型上开启/关闭流式处理...

只有在流上下文中调用时才会发生流式处理... 在那里我们可以定义一个简单的函数来处理流

# this code example is complete and should run as it is

from langchain_decorators import StreamingContext, llm_prompt

# this will mark the prompt for streaming (useful if we want stream just some prompts in our app... but don't want to pass distribute the callback handlers)
# note that only async functions can be streamed (will get an error if it's not)
async def write_me_short_post(topic:str, platform:str="twitter", audience:str = "developers"):
Write me a short header for my post about {topic} for {platform} platform.
It should be for {audience} audience.
(Max 15 words)

# just an arbitrary function to demonstrate the streaming... wil be some websockets code in the real world
def capture_stream_func(new_token:str):

# if we want to capture the stream, we need to wrap the execution into StreamingContext...
# this will allow us to capture the stream even if the prompt call is hidden inside higher level method
# only the prompts marked with capture_stream will be captured here
with StreamingContext(stream_to_stdout=True, callback=capture_stream_func):
result = await run_prompt()
print("Stream finished ... we can distinguish tokens thanks to alternating colors")

print("\nWe've captured",len(tokens),"tokens🎉\n")
print("Here is the result:")




我们可以指定我们文档的哪个部分是提示定义,通过使用带有 <prompt> 语言标签的代码块

def write_me_short_post(topic:str, platform:str="twitter", audience:str = "developers"):
Here is a good way to write a prompt as part of a function docstring, with additional documentation for devs.

It needs to be a code block, marked as a `<prompt>` language
``` <prompt>
为我的关于 {topic} 在 {platform} 平台上的帖子撰写一个简短的标题。
它应该面向 {audience} 的观众。
(最多 15 个词)

Now only to code block above will be used as a prompt, and the rest of the docstring will be used as a description for developers.
(It has also a nice benefit that IDE (like VS code) will display the prompt properly (not trying to parse it as markdown, and thus not showing new lines properly))


对于聊天模型来说,将提示定义为一组消息模板非常有用... 这是如何做的:

def simulate_conversation(human_input:str, agent_role:str="a pirate"):
## System message
- note the `:system` sufix inside the <prompt:_role_> tag

``` <prompt:system>
你是一个 {agent_role} 黑客。你必须像一个黑客一样行动。
你总是用代码回复,使用 Python 或 JavaScript 代码块...

... 不要回复其他任何东西... 只回复代码 - 保持你的角色。

# human message
(we are using the real role that are enforced by the LLM - GPT supports system, assistant, user)
``` <prompt:user>
a reply:

``` <prompt:assistant>
\``` python <<- escaping inner code block with \ that should be part of the prompt
def hello():
print("Argh... hello you pesky pirate")

we can also add some history using placeholder
``` <prompt:placeholder>
``` <prompt:user>

Now only to code block above will be used as a prompt, and the rest of the docstring will be used as a description for developers.
(It has also a nice benefit that IDE (like VS code) will display the prompt properly (not trying to parse it as markdown, and thus not showing new lines properly))

这里的角色是模型的本机角色(聊天 GPT 的助手、用户、系统)


  • 您可以定义您的提示的整个部分,这些部分应该是可选的
  • 如果部分中有任何输入缺失,整个部分将不会呈现


def prompt_with_optional_partials():
this text will be rendered always, but

{? anything inside this block will be rendered only if all the {value}s parameters are not empty (None | "") ?}

you can also place it in between the words
this too will be rendered{? , but
this block will be rendered only if {this_value} and {this_value}
is not empty?} !


  • llm_prompt 装饰器会根据输出类型自动检测最佳输出解析器(如果未设置,则返回原始字符串)
  • 列表、字典和 pydantic 输出也被原生支持(自动处理)
# this code example is complete and should run as it is

from langchain_decorators import llm_prompt

def write_name_suggestions(company_business:str, count:int)->list:
""" Write me {count} good name suggestions for company that {company_business}

write_name_suggestions(company_business="sells cookies", count=5)


对于字典/ pydantic,您需要指定格式化指令... 这可能很繁琐,这就是为什么您可以让输出解析器根据模型(pydantic)为您生成指令

from langchain_decorators import llm_prompt
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class TheOutputStructureWeExpect(BaseModel):
name:str = Field (description="The name of the company")
headline:str = Field( description="The description of the company (for landing page)")
employees:list[str] = Field(description="5-8 fake employee names with their positions")

def fake_company_generator(company_business:str)->TheOutputStructureWeExpect:
""" Generate a fake company that {company_business}

company = fake_company_generator(company_business="sells cookies")

# print the result nicely formatted
print("Company name: ",
print("company headline: ",company.headline)
print("company employees: ",company.employees)


from pydantic import BaseModel
from langchain_decorators import llm_prompt

class AssistantPersonality(BaseModel):

def a_property(self):
return "whatever"

def hello_world(self, function_kwarg:str=None):
We can reference any {field} or {a_property} inside our prompt... and combine it with {function_kwarg} in the method

def introduce_your_self(self)->str:
``` <prompt:system>
你是一个名为 {assistant_name} 的助手。
你的角色是扮演 {assistant_role}
``` <prompt:user>
介绍一下你自己(不超过 20 个词)

personality = AssistantPersonality(assistant_name="John", assistant_role="a pirate")

